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Friday, 10 August
Principal's Message

Welcome back to Term 3, we already find ourselves at the end of Week 3!

As I have shared with the students, on a few occasions, this term is often considered the ‘business term’ amongst teachers. It is a time to stop, reflect on one’s goals and summon up the energy to drive towards the finish line. As I look through the students in the school, it always strikes me that each individual child has very much their own story. There are a number of students in the Year 11 and 12 who have already gained or are one or two credits away from gaining Level 1 or Level 2. In fact, one student in Year 11 has gained Excellence. This makes me ponder what success might mean for each child. As parents and teachers, we need to be ever mindful that each child is an individual and therefore has an individual story. I’m sure our excellent student will celebrate her victory and then ask ‘what are the next steps forward?’

The Portal does allow us to keep a close track of student progress. I encourage each of us to stay informed and to communicate any concerns that arise. In that way, the parent-student-teacher relationship is able to be more productive.

Currently, our team of 6 teacher trainee from Avondale College are present. It is always a joy to have young people learning their craft and allowing establish teachers to reflect on their own practice. I know the dorms particularly enjoy the fresh personalities and shared experiences.

Sunday night's Year 13 Leavers Banquet, which was most enjoyable, signals that the end of the year is on the horizon. Set the goals, clarify the plan and “just do it”.

Brendan van Oostveen, Principal

NCEA Corner


A reminder that financial assistance is available for help with the NZQA fees. If you are eligible, please fill out and submit these forms as soon as possible. Please refer to May’s newsletter issue. These forms are available here:

EDG Exam Timetable

The EDG exam timetable is being finalized and will be shared with you on Monday, 13th August. The EDG exam dates are from the 18th -21st of September so please make a note of this on your calendar. Students are required to sit all EDG exams in preparation for the end of year exams.

As a school, we strongly encourage students to take the opportunity to do their best here, providing them with the confidence to achieve in the NCEA exams.


These exams are also extremely important as they count for derived grades. This means that if any unforeseen event happens to your child during the end of year NCEA exams and they are unable to sit the exams, the EDG exam results will be used instead. Such reasons beyond control are things like sudden medical illness to your child or bereavement.

Exam Entries

Teachers are in the stages of finalizing exam entries for the NCEA exams. It is important that they know of any reason why students cannot sit the exam BEFORE finalizing their entries. Please email or make contact with the respective teacher, within the next two weeks, if your child has any legitimate reason for not sitting the exam. LAC expects all students, international and domestic, to sit the exams unless contact is made via email or phone.


Mrs Tamar Aiono, Assistant Principal

Mufti Day Fundraiser
The prefects organised a multi-day fundraiser for the Leaver’s Banquet. $294 was raised. Thanks to students and staff for contributing to this.
School App
We are now up to 195 users. Remember to use the APP for notifying student absences, checking notices/newsletters and accessing the portal.
Download the LAC App
Calendar Dates

Term 3 Important Dates:

·         Monday 6th August to Friday 10th August: Week of Worship

·         Thursday 16th August: Arts and Music Exhibition 6.30pm – 8.30pm

·         Wednesday 22nd August: 5 weekly review

·         Friday 24th August: Last day for Year 7 & 8 rotation subjects

·         Monday 27th August: New rotation starts for Year 7 & 8 rotation subjects

·         Wednesday – Thursday 29th & 30th August: Year 12 & 13 PE Snow trip

·         Sabbath 1st September: LAC House to Wellington SDA Regional

·         Thursday 6th September: Avondale College (NSW) visit to LAC

·         Sunday 9th September: LAC House Ski Trip

·         Tuesday 18th September: Year 9 Art Excursion

·         Tuesday 18th September – Friday 21st September: EDGE Exams (Year 11 – 13 Trial Exams)

·         Thursday 20th September: Year 9 Invictus Film Festival 7pm, LAC Cafeteria

·         Friday 21st September: Board of Trustees Student Representative Election Day

·         Friday 28th September: Term 3 ends

School Calendar
Week of Worship #2
Week of Worship #2
Mr Amoah, our Assistant Boys’ Dean is a man of many talents. Some of these were demonstrated this week as he challenged the students to consider using the title “BELIEVER” the following themes:  “What is believing?”, “Who should I believe?”,  “Why should I believe?”, “How do I believe?” and finally “When/Where should I believe?”

Mr Amoah spoke powerfully and confronting the truth of Jesus and His gospel. He challenged the students to consider what and who it is they believe and why they believe it – but more importantly, is it the truth as demonstrated by the Word of God.

The program was very ably co-ordinated and run by a team of students who without teacher direction have done an outstanding job. High-quality video clips and special items by students enhanced the program.

An extra bonus this week is the “Prayer Room” set up in a classroom. This room has been well used this week as students shared thanks and requests to God in a variety of ways. Thanks to the organiser and co-ordinator of this room.

Please pray that the seeds of love, truth and hope will germinate in the hearts of our precious young people.

Mr Kevin Gredig, School Chaplain
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Website News Articles
Please follow these links to learn about what's been happening at LAC in the last few weeks.
Y9 Social Studies Community Project
On Tuesday, 24 July the Year 9 students and four staff set off for the Himatangi Bush Scientific Reserve to assist Abi Wightman and her DoC associates make a difference…
Pasifika Fusion 2018
Building Self-Worth & Resilience Every year LAC Pasifika students take part in the annual Pasifika Fusion event. This year, it was held on Thursday, July 5th at The Regent Theatre…
Cinematography - Pasifika Fusion 2018
All three excellent LAC entries to the Cinematography category at Pasifika Fusion 2018 are available to view on our website.
World Vision Concert
This year the LAC World Vision team has consisted of Nathan Mudford, Hadassah Mehan, Abbey Smith and Michael Madembo.  The Team has also included students from lower grades such as…
Wood Donation Goes Far!
The Woodwork department would like to give a huge thank you to Richard and Angela Neill for their extremely generous donation of timber for student projects. This is greatly appreciated and we have purchased a number of power tools for student use, which we could not have done without the support.

The logs on the loader will be milled on site which will give the students another opportunity to see the milling process, albeit on a very small scale.

Again we thank you and appreciate the support you have given to our department and school.

Mr Nigel Wright, Building Construction & Woodwork
Careers News

University Enrolment Visits at LAC Term 3/4

  • 10 August Victoria Uni 11am
  • 29 August Waikato Uni 11 am
  • 18 October Otago Uni 10 am

All students wishing to enrol in these universities will be able to get help with the process and ask any questions on the day.

Drugs. Alcohol. You Presentation Aug 14 - 10 am

As part of the Work Ready Passport, LAC is hosting an event for Year 11-13 students with guest speakers: Sgt Ian Pigott, Levin Police and Mr Andrus Lei, General Manager Bidfood. We hope to raise awareness of the expectations on young people entering the workforce around being substance-free. Parents are welcome to attend.

Red Shirts T2 2018 Gateway - Red Shirts Term 2 Graduates

Congratulations to Campbell Sowry, Tianah Lauesi, Val Tautua, Kini Afu, Leiana Hiri for completing their Gateway Red Shirts program at The Warehouse.

Gateway success Gateway Memories

It was great to catch up with Stephen Rye-Dunn and Thomas Nepia at the Leavers Banquet. Stephen and Thomas were Gateway Construction students in 2017 and both are now working in the building trade. Well done guys!

UCOL / Massey Open Day 25 July

A group of Year 12 and 13 students spent the day visiting UCOL and Massey University. All came back brimming with ideas, questions and enthusiasm.

2019 LAC House Boarding Scholarship Application
LAC House Scholarships
2019 LAC House Scholarship Applications Now Open.
Available to Domestic fee paying students.
Applications close: Wednesday, 5 December
Download here →
Adventist Education Week (11-18 August)


Community Notices

Adventure Skills Development

ONLINE ENROLMENTS NOW LIVE for the October 2018 and January 2019 ADVENTURE SKILLS DEVELOPMENT programme at Whenua Iti Outdoors - multi-activity, residential, adventure programme (ages 14+). 9 days and 8 nights of sea-kayaking, rock climbing, caving, bush survival, navigation and living in the outdoors. Plus, the opportunity to achieve up to 15 NCEA Level 3 credits embedded in the programme. Starts Weds 17th January. Cost $1600pp to inc. all transport (ex Nelson), food, equipment, tuition, adventures, training and fun!
STRICTLY limited places. (Airport pick-up/drop-off can be coordinated for those from out of region).

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Longburn Adventist College
100 Walkers Road, RD 7, Palmerston North, 4477, New Zealand
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